Dr. V. William Caracci Recognized

(From L-R. Chairperson of Bay Shore Athletics Sponsors Mr. Charlie Flood, Superintendent of Bay Shore Schools Mr. Joseph Bond, Dr. V. William Caracci, Athletic Director Mr. Bob Panariello and Chair of Athletics Mr. Ted Nagengast.)
The Bay Shore Athletic Sponsors held another successful Bay Shore Family Fun Day at Bay Shore Marina. Hundreds of residents turned out to race in the Color Splash Run, hear Rich Mahogany play, honor Dr. V. William Caracci and help raise money for student scholarships. Thank you to the following sponsors: Legislator Steven J. Flotteron, Town of Islip, Good Samaritan Hospital, Great South Bay YMCA, Bay Shore Fire Department, Bay Shore Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance, Bay Shore Wellness Alliance and Suffolk Transportation.
A few wards from Mr. Ted Nagengast …
I want to thank everyone for coming to the second Annual Bay Shore Family Fun Day benefiting Bay Shore Athletics Sponsors.
Today’s event would not have been possible without the combined efforts of the Suffolk County Legislator Steven Flotteron, Bay Shore Fire Department, Bay Shore/Brightwaters Ambulance and Rescue, Bay Shore Wellness Alliance, Athletic Sponsors and the Town of Islip. Also, I would like to extend a special ‘thank you’ to our generous sponsors, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Suffolk Transportation and Exit 42 Deli.
We would like to recognize Dr. V. William Caracci for his decades of dedication and commitment to health and wellness of others. Following thirty five years in private practice as a cardiologist, Dr. William Caraci, joined an esteemed group of physicians in forming Good Samaritan’s Community Outreach Program in 1994. He later, went on to assist in the formation of the school-community collaboration, later to become the Bay Shore Wellness Alliance. Now, more than 20 years later, under Dr. Caracci’s chairmanship, the Wellness Alliance has achieved success with the creation and development of wellness centers, wellness trails, nutritional initiatives and reforms, and innovative educational approaches. We want to thank you for your life-time of commitment to the well being of others. You have done an incredible service to our community. We would like to present you with a Proclamation prepared by Legislator Flotteron who unfortunately was unable to attend today.
Everyone enjoy the activities and music by The Rich Mahogany Band. Don’t forget to get your raffle tickets. We have prizes, including a YMCA membership, Long Island Ducks tickets and gift certificates to our surrounding marina restaurant. Raffle and Food tickets are available at the table by the Fire Trucks.
A few wards from Mrs. Judy Cummings …
I regret I am not present to honor Dr. Caracci but I am thankful that I am able to share a few words about this very special individual.
Dr. Caracci; I thank you for the wisdom and knowledge you have shared with Bay Shore administrators, teachers, students and parents… all for the purpose of us making us a healthier community. Through the years you have selflessly given of your time and expertise to develop and support initiatives that include Family Fun Day, The Wellness Alliance, two state-of-the art wellness centers, wellness policy and a community walking trail. Without your input, expertise commitment and passion, I don’t believe we would have accomplished the aforementioned.
You are truly a person who deserves the recognition you are receiving today! The best to you always!
Warmest regards,
Judy Cummings
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